Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas 2010

Well Christmas has come and gone...again! Christmas is my favorite holiday and I look forward to it for so long and then..poof..it is over!!
We had a great Christmas as always. Christmas Eve afternoon I went to Mom and Dad's and we did our family Christmas. Caroline was excited about her new Cinderella dress and surprised with her drum set. And of course, she loved all of her new clothes..she is a lil diva! :)

Christmas Eve night we went to Carol & Roy's for my Dad's side of the family Christmas. We ate yummy food and played Dirty Santa. I spent the night at Mom and Dad's that night. We woke up Christmas morning with snow flurries..which later turned into real snow that covered the ground! It was so fun! (since it didn't hinder travel) It was the first "White Christmas" of my lifetime! :)

We ate brunch at Nanna & PaPa's which was great..biscuits, gravy, pancakes, bacon, sausage, fried apples. We also took a few family photos.

Me and Alayna (my baby cousin)

Me and my brother, Adam

Dianne, Caroline & Adam 

Rachel, Paul, Erica, Alayna, Kyle & Susan

Mom, Nanna, PaPa, Kevin & Susan

Karrie, Kena & Kevin

Overall, it was a great holiday season..and we certainly did not forget the TRUE reason for the season...JESUS! :)

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