Saturday, January 22, 2011

Snowed In

January 9th and 10th, we had round 2 of snow..but this time we got so lucky to get ICED in! :) I didn't want to be snowed in all by myself, so I packed a bag and went to Mom and Dad's but then we just decided to make it a family affair so Adam, Dianne & Caroline came over Sunday evening as well! We made some chili and Chef Caroline helped!

We then all attempted to play Rook. None of us really knew how to play except Dad...but we got the hang of it (right, Mom?) :)

Monday morning we woke up to snow....covered by ICE! gotta love it.

We had a yummy breakfast of biscuits, gravy, eggs, bacon, sausage..and of course, Chef Caroline helped again.

We attempted to make some snow cream. It turned out alright but would have been better with some fluffy snow not icy snow!

Our rockstar of the family kept us entertained! :)
We enjoyed our time "snowed in" together. :) 

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