Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Homemade Dishwasher & Laundry Detergent

I came across recipes for homemade dishwasher and laundry detergent on a website or blog but I cant remember where it was; I just wrote down the recipes - so I take no credit for these creations! :) I was nearly almost out of both dish and laundry detergent so I thought I would give these a it is much cheaper and lasts longer!

(Use in your appliances at your own risk)

Dishwasher Detergent

1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda
2 cups (1container) LemiShine
plastic container/scooper

All of these products I found at Walmart in the detergent aisle. You just mix it all together and use approximately 1 Tablespoon per compartment.

Laundry Detergent

1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda
1 bar Fels Naptha Soap, grated
1/4 cup Oxy Clean (optional)

Mix it all together; it will look clumpy.

Use 1 Tablespoon for light loads and 2 Tablespoons for larger loads.  I made a double batch and used the OxyClean.

Just thought I would was fun to make! :) I will update with how I like them and how long they are lasting!

Easter 2011

Well I am a little behind but thought I would share some pictures from Easter weekend.

Easter Egg Hunt at Church

Caroline and Hannah

Serious egg hunting

Now some family picutres before lunch...


Friday, April 15, 2011

Caroline's 2nd Pageant - April 2nd

Caroline was in her second pageant on April 2nd. It was a small local pageant to support a private preschool in order for them to raise money to update their curriculum.  She looked beautiful and did so well. She chose Mimi to walk her on stage and Mimi did a fabulous job as well! :)  In her division, Caroline won Prettiest Eyes, Miss Congeniality, and Queen and for the overall pageant she won Most Sponsor Money Raised! :) We were so proud of her and she said she had fun!! :)

Dianne's Birthday Weekend - March 20

My sister-in-law, Dianne, celebrated her birthday March 2oth. My brother planned a 'surprise' dinner celebration at Stix for her! Took some convincing that was where she wanted to eat that night...but they showed up and she was surprised! :)

Caroline spent the night with me on Sunday night so her Mom and Dad could go out of town overnight for her Momma's birthday! We had a blast! :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

My 30th Birthday! :)

I turned the big 3-0 on March 7th at 11:52am (I think)!  We celebrated on Friday night by going to PFChangs!! yummy! :) And while we were there Greg McElroy came in and sat by us..but NO we did not harass him for a picture/autograph! lol

On my actual birthday, Mom and I went to eat at my all time favorite, Olive Garden and went shopping at the Shops at Grand River. It was our first time there..and we will definitely be going back. I bought myself a well deserved birthday present at Coach! I have been wanting a purse for a while..and I decided to finally get it! :)
I won't deny that I have a purse obsession! :)

My work week started back that night so the girls at work brought some yumo Edgar's cupcakes and we celebrated! Thanks girls! :)

Then on Thursday night,  my friends surprised me and all came to Flip Burger and we celebrated again! :) I had this lovely balloon to let everyone know I am the BIG 3-0! haha :)

Of course, our dessert was the delicious milkshakes!! You CANNOT go wrong with any of them!!!

Overall, turning 30 wasn't so bad!! haha! :)

Nanna's 75th Birthday Party

We celebrated Nanna's 75th Birthday on March 5th even though her Birthday wasn't until March 14th! I believe she really enjoyed it and had a good time. Friends and family came to help her celebrate! Here are a few pics....





Saturday, January 22, 2011

Snowed In

January 9th and 10th, we had round 2 of snow..but this time we got so lucky to get ICED in! :) I didn't want to be snowed in all by myself, so I packed a bag and went to Mom and Dad's but then we just decided to make it a family affair so Adam, Dianne & Caroline came over Sunday evening as well! We made some chili and Chef Caroline helped!

We then all attempted to play Rook. None of us really knew how to play except Dad...but we got the hang of it (right, Mom?) :)

Monday morning we woke up to snow....covered by ICE! gotta love it.

We had a yummy breakfast of biscuits, gravy, eggs, bacon, sausage..and of course, Chef Caroline helped again.

We attempted to make some snow cream. It turned out alright but would have been better with some fluffy snow not icy snow!

Our rockstar of the family kept us entertained! :)
We enjoyed our time "snowed in" together. :) 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

NYC 2010 Recap Part 3

December 10, Friday

We started our day at the Museum of Natural History. It was a little crazy there with all of the school classes on field trips.

We took a walk through Central Park and saw the Alice in Wonderland statue.

We then headed to Fifth Avenue to do a little shopping (alot of window shopping).


We visited Trump Tower. It is all gold inside and kinda hideous. haha

And for all of you Project Runway fans, we went to Bryant Park. It was really was set up with different booths of independent sellers. I, of course, bought some really cute jewelry! :)

Then we headed to the Empire State Building.

December 11, Saturday

We went to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge before we headed to the airport.

 We then headed to the airport and flew to Baltimore and then headed back to good ole Birmingham, AL. We landed about 630pm.

Overall, it was a WONDERFUL trip and I am glad I got to go. We had to come back to rest from our vacation! ha

Hope yall enjoyed my recap! :)